Professional photographer specialising in architecture, whose background work in fashion and advertisement trigerred his taste for scenography. According to him, « a building is a master piece, which is revealed thanks to a definite framing. Thanks to a play of shadows, where at the end the tiniest details make an impact – I bring it into light and outline its features. » A minimalist style serving lines that seduce architects and designers with whom he collaborates.
Client List:
Architecture: Baudouin Courtens, Conix Architects, In between, Jacques Van Haren, Renaud Dejeneffe, Strima entreprise, Arcelor Mittal, Cogerimmo, Wever & Ducrée, Instore, Renov Management, Engepar, Christophe Ternest, Akzo Nobel, Sparkies, MGX, Herpain Urbis,Igretec.
Advertising: Agency Tbwa Brussels, Grey, Duvall Guillaume, Young & Rubicam, DDB, Germaine, Belgacom, Audi, Volkswagen, Danone, Stib, Delvaux, Cathy Pill, Classic 21, Equiform, Assurance fédérale, Solvay,…
Industrial: Solvay Peptisyntha, Höganäs
Designer: MGX, Xavier Lust.